December 18, 2023

Prioritizing Mental Health as a Universal Human Right

By: Neltada Charlemagne, DNP, APRN, PMHNP-BC, PHN, BHC

Mental health significantly shapes emotional, psychological 和 social well-being, molding thoughts, emotions 和 behaviors—ultimately affecting resilience, relationships 和 effective problem-solving. 更多的 than 20% of US adults experience mental illness, which is defined by The World Health Organization as “a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively, 和 can contribute to his or her community.”

It Takes a Team: Meet Anna

安娜*, a 38-year-old Home Based Medical Care patient with a history of bipolar disorder, was referred by a Longitudinal Provider to a Behavioral Health Consultant (BHC) for medication management due to fluctuating mood episodes, including periods of depression 和 mania.

Anna had a history of medication non-adherence 和 had recently stopped taking her psychotropic medications independently. The BHC completed a behavioral health assessment, identified immediate behavioral health needs 和 educated the patient about the benefits of medication adherence 和 possible side effects 和 developed a safety plan. Anna was agreeable to resuming an antipsychotic medication to manage her symptoms.

下一个, the Behavioral Health Care Manager also became involved supporting Anna in developing coping strategies to manage her specific symptoms. Through this collaborative care approach, Anna’s condition stabilized. Amid this team effort, her Nurse Care Manager played a vital role by providing regular check-in calls provided a supportive touchpoint, ensuring that Anna felt cared for 和 connected. With improved mood stability, she was referred to a community psychologist 和 psychiatrist for continued care, ensuring ongoing support for her bipolar disorder.

Anna’s journey exemplifies what a true commitment to promoting mental health through the collaborative care approach can provide for a patient. By merging medical, behavioral 和 emotional support, it is important to empower individuals like Anna to reclaim their lives, fostering a brighter, more resilient future.

还记得, mental health matters, 和 it is important to prioritize self-care 和 seek help when needed.


*Patient’s name 和 other details have been changed to ensure confidentiality.